See us at AUA 2024!
find me near #816
or text / WhatsApp me on +1 (743) 374-5670 to arrange a demo.
The Urethrotech UCD® is a safe and effective device for difficult urethral catheterization in men.
The UCD® catheter is FDA approved and available for sale in the United States since 2021 (contact:
Hope to see you there!
Daniela Andrich, CEO
Academic Podium & Poster Presentations / Exhibition
History International Meetings
‘An integrated guidewire Urethral Catheterisation Device (UCD®) for Difficult Urethral Catheterisation in the Emergency department’
‘An integrated guidewire Urethral Catheterisation Device (UCD®) for Difficult Urethral Catheterisation in the Emergency department’
‘An integrated guidewire Urethral Catheterisation Device (UCD®) for Difficult Urethral Catheterisation in the Emergency department’
‘Safe access for bladder entry (SAFE) in transgender men following genital gender affirmation surgery: a Randomised Controlled Trial.’